

As I've watched the Olympic games, especially the swimming, I've been thinking about losing. Am I alone in thinking I would rather lose big than by a little? Losing a gold medal by .01 second has to be completely annoying. I've lost by one point before and it ticked me off so bad! I can only imagine on that level. All the woulda-shoulda-couldas come out.


Anonymous said...

I dont have to worry about wether losing is along shot or by a hair. I dont ever enter a contest/race to have to lose :) LOL

Anonymous said...

...oops, "whether"

Nikki said...

While I agree with Bren, that I wouldn't ever enter a race or anything related to sports: I have this exact same feeling when I almost pass a class. You know - when you get the B+ instead of the A- - I know it seems so trivial but, it really does irck the snot right out of me.

Linzi said...

I totally agree. Like I've said before, second place is first loser. I would also rather lose by a lot than a tiny fraction of a second. Ouch! Oh, and I'm back in town so give me a call!

Lawther family said...

I agree. Losing by just one is the worst!

Emily said...

It would be SO frustrating to be competing at that level and be SO close. I totally agree. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be that good at anything. Can you imagine how much they must devote their whole lives to their sport? I didn't even get to watch any of the Olympics, but I've been reading a lot about it, and I can't believe how good some of these athletes are.