
Princess is 5!!!

Picking strawberries with her aunt

"Belle" with her totally awesome cake. (if I do say so myself) (:

Still a Daddy's girl

Her friends and cousins-all dolled up.

I am so in love with this girl! She is my first baby. Princess is the best helper to me, and so much fun to be around. I couldn't ask for more. My heart is so full! Happy birthday to my baby girl Princess!


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!! Thank you for posting. I have been waiting for pics. She is so beautiful. She really looks like my baby sister. Give your kids kisses for me.

Linzi said...

Happy Birthday! She is such a doll :)

Hollie Hanson said...

How freakin cute! I love that you dressed her and the girls up! The cake looks amazing!

kjco said...

WOW! She looks so grown up--not like her pre-schooler self anymore.

What a cute birthday! What a fabulous! cake--how did you make it????

Also--HI FIVE on the tv thing. We have been tossing around that notion for about a year. I love my Glenn Beck & byu tv too much. No one has watched much of anything during baseball season. Even since school's been out we've been really busy. So, it is also another tool in my "threat arsenal" besides taking away the wii & psp2 & internet. A mom's got to have something on her side...

Anyway, thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see you. I'm sending Abby's card w/mom cuz I can't seem to get it in the mail.
