

This kid cracks me up - here are just a couple of things he has said today.

"I don't want a umber-cues!" (cucumber)
"Mom, I'm going to marry Melia...at the zoo...and then KISS her!  But first, I have to fly my car space jet...my Diego car space jet. Only we're not getting married in October."  Is Melia your girlfriend? "Ew no! We're just getting married - at the zoo!" Oh, so when are you getting married?  "{exasperated} AFTER I fly my Diego car space jet Mom!"  Oh, okay.
"Today was Parker's birthday.  It's his October birthday.  We got cupcakes!"  Yum!  When's your birthday?  "Um, I don't know...But not in October!"

1 comment:

Megan said...

I miss cowboy! :) Baby boy is sooo adorable! I love you guys!