
Feeling the love

It's been a good day to be "mommy."

Baby Boy has discovered his tongue and is always blowing raspberries and sticking his tongue out which is so cute and today he said, "mama" and though I know it wasn't in reference to me, he did say it!  :)

Brother Bear in his prayer last night said unprompted, "Thanks for Mommy."

Cowboy in his prayer tonight said, "Bless mommy to pretect us."

And I watched as my Princess curled up on the couch and read one of the Magic Treehouse books.  A girl after my own heart for certain.  :)  Though I may regret her being that way when she gets older and tunes everyone and everything out as she reads instead of doing chores or homework...like her mother did/does.  haha.

Love my kids.

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