
Little boys...

I'm not sure if he's just special or if all boys are like this, but Cowboy exhausts me.  I have never known so much energy!  Seriously there are times that I just want to grab him and hold him down to MAKE him relax and be quiet for a whole minute.  Don't get me wrong, I love him to death.  But man alive - the kid is going to run me ragged at 27!  :)


Katie said...

My little man is extremely busy too. It's fun but very exhausting!

Hollie Hanson said...

Ooh I am right there with you!!! D is wearing me down! I can not tell you how grateful I am my new one is a girl! I can handle the attitude. But the non stop, mischievious, danger getting, loud, wild and hyper boy is my challenge for sure! I have a feeling our next one is a boy so it'll be a few years.... LOL

Smith Fam said...

It has to be boys! Today my little guy dumped out the costco size package of diapers for the baby, was found pouring water into a bowl and then drinking out of it and spilling it all over his bed and himself, crumbled up bread all over the kitchen, and the list goes on and on. I swear it's hard sometimes. I love his energy it's just a bit harder while I am nursing a newborn :)