

I'm all for immunizations - I just have this big huge reservation with the safety of injecting 7 + diseases in a poor kid at a time.  So I generally stagger my kids' shots.  Well, I've gotten so far behind on Brother Bear that I allowed them to poke him 4 times yesterday with a total of I think 8 different diseases.  Ugh.  Needless to say, I expected him to have a fever, etc last night.  Meanwhile, Cowboy was missing one of his Hib shots and even though the doctor just said he had strep, she thought it would be fine for him to have the immunization on top of it.  Against my better judgement I agreed.  POOR COWBOY.  Last night was terrible for the poor kid.  He was limping around because his leg hurt, his throat already hurt from the strep, and he had such a high fever - it was so hard to watch!  Zane was fuming when he read the immunization hand out and it said to NOT give a child who could be moderately ill this shot until they are healthy.  Nice!  Thank goodness for the priesthood!  We don't have any home teachers yet, so thankfully one of the guys we know in the ward was willing to come over and help Zane administer.  I'm so grateful!  Cowboy slept pretty peacefully the rest of the night and woke up with no fever, and no bad side effects.  Whew!

Brother Bear woke up in the middle of the night with a high fever, but thankfully his went down with some ibuprofen and stripping him of his clothes.

We are so blessed!  Both boys are up and relatively happy (although our bouncy Cowboy is quite subdued laying on the couch).  If I could just convince them that drinking is the way to get better faster!  :)  Princess healed so fast this time because she was able to understand that if she ate the popsicles and drank lots of juice and water that her throat would feel better.  Love that girl!  :)  She's a smarty.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I am so sorry you have had sick kids. We are doing the same thing here. Isn't it June? Aren't we all suppose to be well by now?