

My life has not been the same since the day I met this man.  In case you don't know our story, I'm going to briefly tell you how we met.  I worked at a radio station on campus at BYU-I.  After a few rough months of being engaged to a guy and then us calling it off, deciding I was going on a mission, doing the paperwork, etc.  I finally received my mission call May 5, 2003 and ran into the station to announce where I was going.  There was Zane (the new guy) and I didn't care one bit when introduced - in fact I brushed it off and continued my squealing to everyone else, "ya, hi!  ANYWAYS guess where I'm going?!?!":)  Needless to say, I didn't go on a mission - he's pretty persistent when he wants to be, and we were married later that year.  It's been the craziest 7 years, and definitely not easy.  There were many times I didn't think we'd make it another day together, but I'm so glad we've trudged through all the muck.  I honestly love this man and I'm grateful he's my partner now and forever.  He may not be perfect, but he's mine and honestly, who is?  We compliment each other's weaknesses and strengths and I think we both are better people because of it.  He is the best father I could ever hope for my kids - they know without a doubt how much he loves them and he is always willing to take the time to play - no matter how tired he is at the end of the day.  Happy birthday to my sweet husband!!  I love you forever.  Here are some pictures of Zane over the years.

Love this man!!


Anonymous said...

Im trying for the life of me to figure out the odds of your mission call and TWO of your boys all being May 5th. Gee wiz.

Lu said...

Awwww I love this post. You two!!! I love how far you have come and how close you are, more so now than ever.
I love that I knew you both back when it all began. :)