

Excuse the lack of posts as of late, but I find myself at a loss for something to say.

Or maybe I'm just waiting for something profound to say.

Or perhaps I am just waiting until I have a clear direction in our life.  We knew this stay in Twin Falls was a short one, but this school year is coming to a rapid conclusion that is leaving me a bit breathless and unsure of where we will be next. 

Or perhaps, I am just plain TIRED.  :)

Baby Boy was cute today.  He can crawl wherever he wants now and it has opened a new world for him.  Today he crawled over to the curtains and was playing peek-a-boo and laughing so hard at himself in a laugh that said, "haha - look at me!  I'm doing it by myself!" 

Two of my babies will be 3 and 5 on Thursday...deep breath...it is truly amazing how fast time goes by.  I will be saying that about my children every year until I take my last breath.

Speaking of - I feel a bit cynical.  Bin Laden is dead - you read it all over facebook today.  My only thought when I heard the news?  Well, glad they got him finally, but there will always be another one all too willing to step up.  Nice of Obama to take the credit.  But to be fair, I think whoever was in the White House would regardless of their party.  I will say I am so glad he had the foresight to not close Gitmo...dork.  :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was looking for the "like" button for you last paragraph. LOL. Love you. Please tell the boys HAPPY HAPPY B-day on Thursday. I really love them.