
My boys

Have I mentioned that I love how Brother Bear talks?  Tonight he came to me with his scriptures and said, "How's read this?"  I wish I could video him for hours on end because I just don't think you could ever really capture all of him with small clips caught here and there.  One thing he does lately is come into my room sometime during the night and wake me up, "Mom, sleep you?"  To which I pull him into bed and he snuggles up next to my face and usually strokes my cheek and/or hair for a bit.  Every once in a while I get a kiss on the forehead or nose, and the other night he says, "Love you, Mom," as he is patting my cheek.  :)  I HAVE to record how he talks and put it on here so you can hear his intonations.  There is a slight pause between every word he utters.  It's just sweet.

And what kind of mother convinces her 4 year old he has an alien in his ear?!?  Yes, I did, and that poor boy is truly convinced now.  I feel slightly bad after the laughter dies down every time he says something about it.  How did this come about you ask?  Well, I'm like a gorilla mother.  I like to pick my kids clean.  So...he had waxy ears and he wouldn't let me clean them, so I told him that he needed to let me clean out his ears because, "I need to see if there is an alien in your ear.  You have to be careful because if the alien has too many ear boogers to eat, he'll want to stay in your ear forever and never leave.  That's why you have to let mommy get them out."  So now if anything happens to his head he references the alien living in his ear.  "Mom!  The alien is making my head hurt!"  "Mom! I think the alien is moving around in my head!"  Bwahahaha!  I know, it is terrible that I find such humor in this situation.  I've ruined my child for life.  He's going to be in therapy when he's 30 talking about how his mother ruined his life by convincing him there was an alien living in his head and that's why he thinks he hears voices now.

Terrible?  Oh yes.  Hilarious?  Quite.  I'm terrible.  I know.

I finally have an appointment with an allergist who specializes in children's allergies for Baby Boy.  He's down in Utah and I'm looking forward to meeting with him.  I can understand the arguments for and against testing kids for allergies this young.  But I feel comforted in knowing I am going to be able to talk with someone who really knows and can give me better information and a sturdier framework to go from instead of a seemingly random guessing game I feel I play.  And what if it's something else?  Or not something to worry about?  Answers.  I hope I can get some!  :)  Meanwhile, his favorite food right now is bananas.  He giggles like crazy whenever anyone is spinning something around in circles in front of him.  And he thinks he doesn't need to take any naps anymore.  WHAT?!?  Seriously, I have a 7 month old who refuses to nap.  He'll cry for an hour over taking any naps during the day.  Crazy kid!

In other happenings, there were a lot of people who thought I was crazy for marrying Zane.  We are very different people.  I will admit, there have been times I thought I was crazy too.  But today I needed him to do what he always does: ground me.  He is the ying to my yang.  I needed some perspective and a different opinion (which I know he would have because we usually have differing opinions on a lot of things).  He told me what he thought, I argued back, he argued, got frustrated, I hung up the phone on his rant, and after a while, was grateful for his perspective.  I don't necessarily completely agree with everything he said, but he countered my concerns enough to help me stop wanting to reach for the panic button on this particular situation.  Which I wanted him to do.  Which is why I involved him in the first place.  He's my grounder.  Like I said, my ying to my yang.  We are so far from perfect, but I like the balance we've struck or stumbled upon.


Anonymous said...

With the font that you have been using, the E's look like C's. I was reading for a while wondering why you told him him he had aliens living in his car. What car? LOL!

Hollie Hanson said...

Thanks for the 2am read :) kids crrack me up! I love the way they talk. And the aliens- omg, I almost peed from laughing!
So when in UT..... why don't you drop the other kiddos off at my place while you go to your apt? I'm serious. Make it easier on you. :)
Call or text me! I don't think I have your current #. 8017358008