
Six weeks

Only six weeks until I get my love back home.  Six weeks until I breathe normally.  Six weeks.  :)

Princess had another accident today.  She fell backwards in a folding chair at church and took off a couple chunks of skin off her fingers when they got caught as the chair folded.  Poor girl - I feel like wrapping her in bubble wrap and keeping her home for a week!

Brother Bear made me laugh SO hard tonight.  He was watching AFV and kept repeating, "wall wihwer awigator get my weg!"  When you read that you have to put a slight pause in between each word and say each word with a bit of force.  Anyway, the translation is: Fall in a river and an alligator will get my leg."  hahaha.  Maybe it's only funny to me, but it sure made me smile.

I've been a crying mess tonight.  I watched the show on Lifetime "Coming Home."  Even if my husband wasn't in the military and gone it would make me cry.  Those two factors make me sob.  Such a good show - I'd recommend it!  :)


Kento and Vanessa said...

Awww poor girl =( makes me so sad, I hope that her luck picks up...but I'm glad to hear that Zane will be back soon! You're a great woman who has gone through so much, you deserve to have your husband back! =)

Hollie Hanson said...

Your man comes home when I'll be having my baby! We can countdown together! :) hang in there. I think all you women/moms with service husbands are amazing. I don't think I could handle it!